Ever since I was very young I knew I wanted to be a teacher, I always dreamt of coming to Finland to work and to experience the famous Finnish education.
This year, thanks to Niittykumpu koulu school, I have been able to achieve this goal and it has been an unbeatable experience. From the first day I arrived, the whole teaching staff welcomed me in the best way and during these three months I have felt like in a big family.
Thanks to their kindness and flexibility, I have been able to enjoy and get to know all the methodologies that are taught in this school, such as bilingual education, Montessori methodology, Hungarian mathematics and special education.I have also been able to participate in all the school trips. We have gone to museums where the children had the opportunity to learn about artistic pieces, to a swimming pool where the pupils were taught how to swim properly and even lifeguarding courses, to an ice hockey match, I have seen first aid courses in the same school, theatres and performances that have taken place on special days such as Independence Day etc.I have learnt from each of the strengths of the different teachers I have worked with and they have allowed me develop my own by giving me the opportunity to teach some classes and the freedom to speak on topics of my choice. I have enjoyed dancing flamenco with the students, playing games and showing them what my culture and traditions are like.

I couldn't feel more fortunate, because everything I have learnt in this school and with these people is second to none. Thank you Niittykumpu koulu, thank you Maria Björkenheim for trusting me and giving me this wonderful opportunity and thank you to all the teachers and students who have made me grow professionally and personally.
María Aguaza Esturillo (Spain)
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